抗堵塞羽叶除雾分离器在中石油乌石化重催烟脱系统高效运转-2024欧洲杯买球平台发表时间:2019-01-25 00:00
in nov., 2017, novel patented p4 model proof-blocking special feather vane separator which applied in retrofit project of fccu chimney gas treatment in unit 2 petrochina urumqi branch, has won long-term operating with great praise from project owner, local environmental protection office, engineering unit joint process package supplier cnpc dalian branch. 诺卫公司为中石油乌石化二联合重催装置烟脱洗涤系统隐患治理项目设计提供的novel公司p4型烟脱洗涤塔抗堵塞专用羽叶分离器,在2017年11月开车长周期高效稳定运行表现,赢得包括业主、当地环保部门和设计方兼工艺包供方cnpc大连分公司一致称赞。