ipecas high temperatured special style cyclone separator delivered on time 中科院过程所定制的novel专利技术高温异型旋风 -2024欧洲杯买球平台发表时间:2019-01-25 00:00 中科院过程所定制的novel专利技术高温异型旋风分离器按期交货 upon novel hqs professional engineering designs and novel china domestic plant accurate fabrication under hqs technical instruction and qa/qc management, the pointed high temperatured special style cyclone separator with novel proprietary technical internals at dt 600 degree c and dp 2.5 mpag, has been delivered to the project owner ipecas on time of 5 weeks after po. 由novel总部专业工程设计、技术指导和qa/qc管理,以及novel中国本土化工厂精心制造的,载有novel专有技术内件的高温异型旋风分离器,按照项目方中国科学院过程工程研究所要求在合同后5周内按时交货。该分离器装载有项目方中国科学院过程工程研究所指定的novel专有技术异型内件,满足设计温度600℃和设计压力2.5mpag要求。